Becoming a KSK Affiliate
Are you interested in becoming a KSK Affiliate Instructor, starting a training group, or adding our programs to what your school offers?
We offer an Affiliate Program designed to help you update your skills and become part of the KSK family. Student & Instructor ranking is available in both our Jeet Kune Do Concepts, and our Filipino Martial Arts / Armas-Kali programs.
Training Groups were created to provide a way for people who live outside the area to still study and gain rank in our JKD & FMA curriculums. These Groups are formed and led by a Training Group Leader approved by KSK.
A group can be formed and hosted by anyone, ranging from a martial arts school owner to someone with no experience at all. All you need is one person willing to train with you, and we’ll show you the rest!
In order to receive our endorsement & support, Training Group Leaders must be personally approved to be considered a KSK Affiliate. It starts by hosting a seminar. You decide how often KSK will come to your location to teach curriculum after that. We will get you started on your training, then you work that material with the members of your Training Group. During this visit we will also sit down with you and discuss the details of the programs, more options for training resources, the requirements and the benefits at each level.
Training Group Leaders are responsible for providing a clean & safe training environment. ie: Dojo, gym, garage, basement, backyard etc... They are also the point of contact with KSK in regards to any logistical arrangements for scheduling, travel, food, and lodging.
Let's Get Started!
If you would like to become part of our affiliate program or host a seminar in your area, contact us today!
Email -
Phone - (517) 348-2507